Louis presents frequently at professional conferences and venues. Generally, his presentations focus on counseling and care of people who are bereaved or nearing death. Some representative speaking engagements are listed below. If you are interested in having Louis address your group or audience, see the Contact section of this website.

Singapore Hospice Council, Singapore (November, 2024)
At SHC’s 3rd Grief & Bereavement Conference, Louis presented a keynote address to colleagues in southeast Asia, “Building Death Competency” and taught a full-day workshop on “Strengthening ethical practice of grief and bereavement care across care settings.”
Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC), Houston, Texas (April, 2024)
Louis lectured on “The Suicide of Artist Mark Rothko: His Life — His Chapel” and accompanied participants on a site visit to the Rothko Chapel on the campus of the University of St. Thomas in Houston to see in person the artist’s last murals.
Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC), Columbus, Ohio (April, 2023)
Using videotaped interview excerpts, Louis shared how one patient nearing her own death reviewed some key elements of her life story in an effort to reach peace of mind and heart, “Reflection and Reconciliation at End of Life: A Case Study.”
Alabama Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (ALAMFT), Mobile, Alabama (April, 2023)
For professionals committed to working with couples and families, Louis presented a half-day workshop, “Working with Individuals, Couples & Families after Major Loss.”
Center for Complicated Grief, Columbia University, New York (July, 2022)
Louis addressed a national audience during a webinar highlighting how clinicians can utilize evidence-based treatment models in everyday practice, “Adapting Prolonged Grief Disorder Treatment in Clinical Practice.”
Hospice Foundation of America (HFA), Washington, DC (January, 2022)
Together with colleague MaryKatherine Clemons, Louis presented a national webinar on “Ethics in Action: Dilemmas at the End of Life” showing how the Five P Model of ethical decision-making can be applied in actual practice scenarios.
Baylor Scott & White Health (BSWH), Dallas, Texas (May, 2021)
Louis taught a (virtual) workshop, “Empirically-Supported Treatments for Complicated Grief” to clinical social workers employed in health care service delivery.
Amelia Center, Birmingham, Alabama, (May, 2019)
At their 14th Annual Spring Bereavement Workshop, Louis taught a full-day workshop, “Ethical Challenges in Grief Counseling & Working with Bereaved Parents.”
Minnesota Coalition for Death Education and Support, Minneapolis, Minnesota (October, 2018)
Louis presented a full-day workshop on “Bringing Competence and Compassion to End of Life Care.”
Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, California (April, 2017)
In this workshop held in the Kresge Chapel on campus, Louis led attendees through a review of current best practices in the care of dying patients, “End of Life Options: Reconciling Patient Preferences with Clinicians’ Values” in consideration of the passage of the End of Life Option Act in California in 2015.
Glendale Memorial Hospital/Dignity Health, Glendale, California (April, 2017)
Given the legalization of medically-assisted dying in the state of California, Louis spoke to health care professionals about “Caring Conversations at the End of Life.”
University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (March, 2017)
Louis delivered a keynote address, “End of life discussions: Developing competence and utilizing compassion” for the annual Darrel Neal Memorial Seminar promoting best practices in care of dying patients and bereaved families, in consideration of Canada’s national medical assistance in dying law.
National Association of Deacon Directors (NADD), Houston, Texas (April, 2016)
Louis addressed a national audience of clergy trainers discussing, “Who makes a good deacon? Inclusion and exclusion criteria from a psychological perspective.”
Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC), Minneapolis, Minnesota (April 2016)
On the 40th anniversary of the association, Louis delivered the closing keynote, “ADEC at 40: Second half of life wisdom for the future of death education and counseling,” celebrating ADEC’s accomplishments and envisioning how health care professionals and educators can continue to constructively influence how society deals with death and its repercussions.
Australia Centre for Grief and Bereavement, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney (May 2015)
Louis served as the Centre’s International Educator presenting consecutive full-day workshops on current best practices, “Counseling clients with complicated grief” and “A Practitioners Guide to Care of the Dying.”
University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California (March, 2013)
Louis presented a keynote address, “Psychological Care of the Dying: A Case Study,” at the university’s annual Compassion in Action conference.
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), Ft. Hood, Texas (July 2012)
Louis conducted two workshops, “Clues for adaptive grieving” and “Grief of parents and grandparents” to bereaved spouses and families of fallen warriors who die on active duty.